Gabe Wiki

Welcome to Gabe Wiki

Gabrielle (6)

American Girl Just Like Me doll - Gabrielle

I have many interests, such as movies, books, TV shows, music, anime and more.

29 articles since January 2009

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Gabe Pages

What's new on Gabe Wiki

One of my current interests is Pokemon! Since it has been out for a long time, I have a lot of catching up to do! I haven't added any pages, but keep an eye out for them.
Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys
I've also been catching up with old editions of Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys. I sure love a good mystery, especially during the long nights of fall and winter.

Old Stuff

Most of my pages were created years ago when I was still quite young. I will be updating the content to reflect my development as a writer and to include new interests.

Featured article

I have nothing to report currently, but check back later!
